
  1. “Different approaches, one common goal”
    Project No. 2021-1 -DE01-KA220-HED-000030321
    Program: KA220-HED

    Implementation: 2021

  2. Learnersmot2 - Project No: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-081775

    Implementation: From 2020 – ongoing

  3. "BValueR" Project No. 622351-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-SPO-SCP
    Program: Erasmus + Sport Collaborative partnership

    Implementation: 2020

  4. TC4DC project
    Project No. 622045 – ЕPP- 1- 2020 – 1- BG – SPO – SCP
    Program: Erasmus + Sport Collaborative partnership

    Implementation: 2020

  5. Meaningfulness in Youth Sport
    Project No. 622516-EPP-1-2020-1-IE-SPO-SSCP
    Program: Erasmus + Sport Small collaborative partnership

    Implementation: 2020

  6. learnesMot2, Creationg continuous supportive learning environment for the 45+,low educated and low skilled learners
    Project No. 2020-1-ES01-KA204-081775
    Program: LAERNES MOT2

    Implementation: 2020

  7. Справување со загаденоста на воздухот во град Скопје
    Project No.00109164
    Program: UNDP
    EU e-Health Law and North Macedonia: From Current Practice to Implementation
    Project No. 621268-EPP-1-2020-1-MK-EPPJMO-PROJECT
    Implementation: 2020
    Program: Jean Monnet Activities

    Implementation: 2020

  8. The circular economy: “the number one priority” for the European Green Deal
    Project No. 619927-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPJMO-PROJECT
    Program: Jean Monnet Activities

    Implementation: 2020

  9. Интернационална студија за квалитаттивна и квантитативна проценка на депозитите на кожа изложена на урбано аерозагадување-Меѓународна повеќе центрична студија.
    Project No. EADV-PPRC
    Program: PPRC-2019-30,

    Implementation: 2019

  10. Вмрежување нови европски граници-БОРДЕУР
    Project No. EACEA 2019-1850/001-001
    Program: Jean Monnet Activities

    Implementation: 2019

  11. Систем за политика за миграција и азил (СПМА)
    Project No. 599856-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPJMO
    Program: Jean Monnet Activities

    Implementation: 2018

  12. Biowastes Management in Turistic Areas- interreg V-B, BALKAN MEDITERRANEAN 2014-202
    Project No. BMPL/22/2156/2017
    Program: BIOWASTE

    Implementation: 2017

  13. Развивање,тестирање и инсталирање на систем за електронско учење на африканските земји-членки (RAF 6049)
    Project No. 30251-PK, REF NO.
    Program: RAF6049-EVT20003888

    Implementation: 2016

  14. Te(a)chin Sport (Учиме спорт)
    Project No. 2016 – 3736/ 001 -001
    Program: Erasmus + Sport – Collaborative partnership

    Implementation: 2016

  15. Developing Open Educational Resources and Blended Modules for Agriculture and Rural Development – a project organized by Goce Delcev University of Stip in cooperation with the Meditteranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, the Macedonian Organic Producers Federation, the “National Extension Agency and the Agricultural University of Plovdiv.
  16. Implemented from  2015 to  2018 (exp.)

  17. Erasmus+ Mobility Project for students and staff

  18. Shaping the Future Education in Tourism – FET  - a project organized by Goce Delcev University of Stip in cooperation with the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility
  19. Implemented from 2016 to 2019 (exp.)

  20. MATH – LABYRINTH: Increasing the level of knowledge through solving mathematical problems
  21. Implemented from 2015 to 2017

  22. MATHDebate - The Voice of Students - Searching Excellence in Math Education trough Increasing the Motivation for Learning
  23. Implemented from 2016 to 2018 (exp.)

  24. Integrating E-Learning and Open Educational Resources into Classroom
  25. Implemented from 2015 to 2017


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