Erasmus+ Incoming Staff Mobility

The Goce Delcev University is receiving an increasing number of requests from staff at other universities asking to carry out a teaching or training mobility in our institution. Requests should come directly to a department as it is the departments’ authority to decide whether or not to accept a staff training visitor. The hosting department is responsible for organizing a program based on the interests of the visitor and there is a considerable time commitment in planning the program and hosting the visit.

Staff training: for administrative, technical or academic staff. It involves a period of training at UGD.

Staff teaching: for academic staff. It involves a period of teaching at UGD. Only academic staff from the institutions which have an inter-institutional Erasmus+ agreement with UGD can apply for this type of mobility.

An invitation letter from the IRO will be sent by email.

Staff Mobility Agreement teaching integr-2016(cl)

Staff Mobility Agreement_training_integr_2016(cl)


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