International Relations Office at UGD - Broadening the perspectives and opening the doors to the world
The International networking and expanding of the cooperation with other institutions is the main goal of the International relations office of UGD.
Through organizing different kinds of activities, projects, researches, international conferences and Erasmus+ exchanges, we succeeded in strengthening the international cooperation and thus allowing the team of assistants, professors and students to broaden their perspectives and find new ways of researching and working in a dynamic environment.
In less than one year, we made over 200 new inter-institutional agreements with countries starting from the Balkans to Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Denmark, Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, and Slovakia.This way, we enabled a new way of working in education and a totally different intercultural experience in educational surroundings.
We created a unique program for the incoming students that choose our University as a destination for a part of their studies, and we enable them a creative way to pursue their studies and practice at our University.
Over 60 staff members from other Universities visit our University each year and during their visits, they collaborate with our professors.
In 2016, representatives from the International Relations office at UGD attended the International Staff Week at the Universities of Graz, Madrid and Maribor.
Each year UGD coordinates a great number of European projects and during the year of 2018 UGD will be the host of the international sports week financed through the Erasmus+ sport program.
The more you see and experience, the closer to truth you become.
The more languages you learn, the more truths you can unravel.
And the more countries you travel, the greater your understanding.
And the greater your understanding, the less you see differences.
And the more knowledge you gain, the wider your perspective,
And the wider your perspective, the lesser your ignorance.