Marina Feito Sarmiento

How would you describe your Erasmus experience at UGD?

During my stay in Macedonia I had the opportunity to meet so many incredible people. Those who I spend time with were the Erasmus students from different countries: Portugal, Italy, France, Poland, Spain… Also, I met students from my faculty, but with these ones I didn’t really strike up a friendship since I didn’t have lessons with them. In this point, I think it would be really interesting and good for future Erasmus students for the University to program lessons in English and not just in Macedonian, so as the foreign students can also enjoy the opportunity of having lessons and see how other universities work.
Despite of this, I can say the few teachers I met treated me so kind and warmly.

How would you describe your overall experience in Macedonia?

My experience in Macedonia was positive for sure. I’ve seen a small city I didn’t know before and which, if I hadn’t done my Erasmus in here, I wouldn’t have visited. On the first hand, I’ve seen and lived in a culture very different from mine, which is always a good way of learning and improving as a person.
Also, this Erasmus gave me the opportunity to travel as I couldn’t do ever. Not just all over the country, but through some countries of the Balkans.

What do you think you learned during your exchange that you probably wouldn’t in another place?

I learned how people live in a culture and in an environment totally different from mine, or from other countries surrounding mine.

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